Sunday 18 April 2010


Ever since I learnt how to use a camera I've been fascinated by reflections. Initially, I lost my passion for photography when I moved out of that industry but the final straw came when I dropped my SLR in a hungover stupor in the pretty town of Kecskemet, Hungary - where men dressed up as teapots and the local kids gathered in the town square on a Saturday to cut each others' hair. From then on it was strictly party shots on the crappy £20 emergency camera I picked up in Slovakia.

Of course the 'digital revolution' has proved to be the great equaliser in terms of enabling all kinds of amateurs to take decent photographs. And London in the springtime is just too tempting not to photograph, especially after The Coldest Winter In Thirty Years. I really like the juxtaposition between two incongruous elements in these reflective photographs. Essentially these images are nothing more than a basic digital collage. I love traditional collage techniques (30 scrapbooks can't be all wrong) but their production is labour intensive. The reflective photograph on the other hand, is instant gratification. Nice!


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